Category: 5S
1. Trip Hazards: No unnecessary items on the floor.
2. Unused items are stored properly. (tools, personal supplies, etc.).
3. Pedestrian walkways, vehicle aisles, and emergency exits are clear - signed appropriately.
4. Food / drink stored properly, away from product, chemicals, and electrical panels.
5. Floor mats, stands, platforms, ladders, are in good condition, proper working order, and used properly.
Category: General Work Area
6. All safety showers/eye washes accessible, in working order, clean and inspected weekly. Fire extinguishers are inspected monthly, visible and accessible.
7. All overhead equipment (OHE), cranes, hoists, hooks, slings, other lifting equipment are in good condition.
8. Forklifts and tuggers being used safely.
Category: Hazardous Communication
9. Chemicals stored properly, labels are visible and in good condition.
10. Are any spills mitigated promptly?
Category: Electrical / Air
11. No obstructions within 36 inches of electrical panels and disconnects.
12. All electrical cords and air hoses are in good condition and used properly, air hoses and fittings are NOT leaking.
Category: Personal Protection
13. Broken equipment is quarantined and tagged for repair and/or Lock Out, Tag Out (LOTO).
14. Everyone in area wearing appropriate PPE.
15. All guards and safety mechanisms for machines and power tools in place, functioning properly, and necessary labels visible. Guards are not bypassed.
16. Sharp edges are protected.
Category: Behavior-Based Safety
17. No unsafe acts (cell phones in aisle, running, not paying attention, etc.).
18. Proper body positioning (lifting, extending, line of fire, pinch points).
19. No unsafe conditions or situations (wrong tools for the job, material stacked dagerously, etc).
20. Thank someone for working safe today.
21. Corrective Actions / Best Practices
Thank you for helping us work safely today!